Our name, SHO, comes from densho, the Japanese word for legend.
Respecting the ancient traditions of Kaohshiung and the spirit of Japan, we have embarked on a new culinary journey in Taiwan. Our restaurant reflects ideas inherited from both cultures.

藤本詳一 (Fujimoto Shoichi)

Born in 1985 in Yamaguchi Prefecture, Shouichi Fujimoto studied mechanics after graduating from high school and worked at a car maintenance company before changing careers completely to become a chef. In 2011, he began learning the art of Japanese traditional cuisine at Kikunoi (***) in Kyoto, where he worked for four years. Starting in 2015, he moved to Tokyo and trained under Zaiyu Hasegawa at Den (**).
In 2020, Fujimoto relocated to Taiwan to become the head chef of SHO.


Seasonal Menu
NT$3,200 +10% service fee
For Wine Pairing
NT$1,500 +10% service fee